Unleash the Health Benefits of Daily Walks

Unleash the Health Benefits of Daily Walks

Walking your dog is an enjoyable activity that offers many benefits for both you and your pup. Not only does it improve cardiovascular fitness, lower blood pressure, and provide stronger muscles and bones, but it has also been known to reduce stress. Walking your dog is also beneficial for their health, as it can reduce the risk of obesity, increase mental stimulation, release excess energy, and help them sleep better at night.

Depending on the breed, age, and fitness level of your dog, walks should last at least 30 minutes and should be done once a day, though some may require more. Taking your dog for a walk isn't just a great way to ensure their health, but it also helps them to stay happy and entertained. So grab a leash get out there with your furry friend and reap the benefits of a regular walk together!

Tips to remember whilst on your walks:

- Aim for 30-minute walks, seven times per week.
- Let your dog sniff as it stimulates their mind and works off excess energy.
- Encourage your dog to socialize so they can react healthily to the world, without fear or aggression.
- Stick to a routine so you are walking at the same time each day and to the same places. It helps dogs stay calm when they know where they are going.

- Don’t forget the treats! Only give them out when your pooch has done something right, and not to get them to calm down.
- Keep your dog on its leash in public areas, unless it’s an ‘off-leash’ zone.
- Supervise your dog around young children and other dogs.
- Take your Pooch + Pup earth-friendly poop bags to clean up your dog’s poop.
- Avoid walking in extreme heat.

So grab your walking items and get outside to create memorable walking moments together.

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